Even us food bloggers eat boring dishes like chicken and broccoli on occasion. But last night we were sitting on the couch thinking about how we should prepare the chicken. I was pretty bummed because I thought BBQ chicken on the grill sounded amazing, but we didn't have any BBQ sauce in the house.
Then I thought- Hey! I probably have all the ingredients to make a BBQ sauce in my cupboard and refrigerator, and that's exactly how I took this boring chicken and broccoli dish to a delicious and perfectly delightful dish.
We were waiting on a baked potato to cook, so I had about 45 minutes to spare once I decided to make the BBQ sauce, granted I could have walked the one block to the grocery store and pick up a bottle of BBQ, but then I would have had to walk down and back up four floors. Making it in-house ended up being cheaper anyway!
The basic ingredients to a tomato-based BBQ sauce are: ketchup, vinegar, worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Then you can add any spices you desire, typically chile powder, ground mustard and some form of heat: cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce or jalepaneos.
Barbecue Sauce

3/4 cup vinegar (i used white wine)
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup worcestershire sauce
2 tbls chile powder
1 1/2 tbls mustard
1/2 tbls ground ginger
1/2 tbls ground white onion
Cayenne pepper to taste
2 tbls olive oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Heat ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat. Allow flavors to meld, stir occasionally for 5 minutes. Serve extra sauce in a ramekin for dipping.
This was the first homemade BBQ sauce I have made, and I'm sure with the summer coming up, we will add a few more varieties for your reading pleasure :)
Oh and here is a random picture of my dear Grandma at the new casino in Cincinnati. Is she not the cutest?!
Hope you have a great weekend!!