My husband and I have been relocated to London and we are moving October 14th!! We are so excited to be able to share this experience with one another. I think this will be a great opportunity to develop and strengthen our marriage, as I am sure there will be many obstacles that we will encounter during our move.
Brett and I plan to be in London for at least two years with the eventual plans to return to the United States.
With that in mind, I have decided to start a travel/lifestyle blog where I can share my experiences as an expat! I would love it if you could jump over to Living our Life like a Song and follow our journey!

Here is an excerpt of something I am working on for my next post:
So I'm going to go off track here for a second- but I can't help think how lucky and blessed I really am. I haven't been very active in my religion recently but the other night I felt compelled to just take a minute and thank God for everything he has blessed me with. In high school I never would have dreamed that my life would play out the way it has. I feel like Charlotte from SATC movie where she is scared that something bad is going to happen to her because her life is so perfect. Now, I wouldn't say that my life is perfect, but it's perfect enough for me!
As we prepare and being to tell people we are moving, I am starting to get a little choked up. Since Brett and I live in Chicago, I was wondering how many more times my parents would see me if I lived in the states as opposed to when I move abroad. I counted that my parents on average see me 8 times a year with us living in Chicago, and when we move to London, it will only be 2-3 (Christmas, parents visit, maybe one more trip home). So that was a little upsetting to think about.
Thanks so much for reading!